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·日月潭  ·优秀影人:浙江摄影家——王晓虹[2018.2.1--2018.2.28]  ·石家庄三月扬春雪“闹”惊蛰  ·新北京交强险醉驾一次涨30%  ·黑龙江镜泊湖瀑布——中国最大的火山瀑布  ·温州商人投资煤矿巨损150亿 迪拜楼市被套30多亿  ·五岳独尊——山东泰山风光  ·广袤土地离天三尺三——四川石渠  ·银色“天河”——雅鲁藏布江  ·辽宁大连开发区五彩城[高清图片]  ·沈阳故宫:中国明清皇宫文化遗产 满汉建筑融合的典范  ·每周影人:广东摄影家田战(2009.10.26-2009.11.1)  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家——王琼[2016.3.1--2016.3.31]  ·优秀影人:天津摄影家王建明(2011.7.24-2011.8.7)  ·每周影人:内蒙古摄影家王凤来  

Xiajiahe Park – CN.31
North-west coast area 2 hours west of Dalian. Park backs onto the popular Xiajiahe beach. This attractive park well set out and maintained is little used by visitors. Reason is the beach area...

Collection of city images at the edge of darkness and shadows cast by cartel of vast corporations – here tradition and post modernism meet in the dark raw, is remarkably impervious to definition. Term dark-city thrown a...

  家里的小花园里种了几棵葡萄,今年可是结了不少,都已经熟了,很甜的,拍了几张片子,供摄友指点.有嘴巴谗的,到北京房山给我打电话,请你吃葡萄哈!    ID:107117-21825 葡萄熟了  图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 米根孝 ...

Dragon Bay - Journal – CN.42
Locally produced and build beach – part of domestic large housing project across the road in relaxed environment. The beach area is more like play park for there is not much sea out l...

Daheishi beach - Journal – CN.49
North-west coast area 2 hours from Dalian city center sadly all run down mess in need of maintenances to main facilities. Once some 20 years ago the place held commercial appeal wi...

Northland – North Island – Bay of Islands – NZ.   4 Ks west of Paihia town,  Haruru Falls cascade in rare horseshoe shape. Nature's power over falls, flows down into Waitangi River and out to sea. Excell...

Art-junk  - Journal – CN.44   Found at Jinbo beach in Jinzhou district Dalian on villa project English style expensive domestic  houses. Junk thats what this is – not art. Why? Place this sort of chea...


  2011年8月,偷闲到大足宝顶山观摩石刻,在熙熙攘攘的人群中,不时飘来一串串音符:“路孔”.“高僧”. “真敖”. “濑溪河 “. . . . . .于是打开随身携带的电脑,按谐音搜索,一个美丽的“...

  受某单位邀请,7月底随该单位100人的团队到河南云台山旅游。三天时间虽然较短,但看到的东西让我难以忘怀。一方面是云台山秀美的景色,一方面是团队人员低素质的表现,在我的记忆版里形成强烈的视觉反差。     云台山位于河...

An old meat packing factory burnt down years ago and abandoned. Destructiveness demonstrates that  Art-form is not an expression of preconceived aesthetic quality, but was instead the response to the problem. This s...

Northland – North Island – Bay of Islands – NZ.
Coastline bird and river banks near mangroves, nests in high shore or river bank trees in moderately remote areas , also found in the shelter areas of estuary and ...

At the simple level impressionists color tones within photo–art, measured by testing its color appearance against realism pictorial art paintings order to see how accurately the color tone matches.
Issues at stake...

Far North district – east side – district – Northland – North Island NZ main town
Bay of Islands and ultimate holiday destination. Most visitors choose Paihia as their base, huge variety of attractions around t...

Northland – North Island – Bay of Islands – NZ.   Just behind Paihia ( take School Road ) is Opua forest – the regenerating forest with small stand of Kauri. Walking tracks ranging from 10 minutes – to 5 hou...


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